About us - Mission, Vision and Policies
HOTEL CHICALA S.A.S. It is a 100% Huilense company dedicated to achieving total customer satisfaction through direct contact, for which we put at your disposal; lodging services, hotels, restaurants, events and activities related to the development and promotion of tourism, with a high level of attention and effectiveness in service, quality, safety and environmental protection, which tends to improve the well-being of the community, and the continuous development of its human talent.
Para ello, nos comprometemos a identificar , evaluar, valorar y controlar los riesgos en:
The quality of service provision and customer satisfaction.
The mitigation and reduction of environmental, socio-cultural and economic impacts and aspects.
Establish the necessary controls for the prevention of accidents and occupational diseases, always in accordance with compliance with current legal requirements and others applicable to the organization.
Our collaborators, suppliers, clients and guests recognize the rights and duties, in addition to the commitment we have with sustainability, protection of the exploitation of children and adolescents, with which we prevent any form of child exploitation.
In the same way, we are committed to guaranteeing the necessary resources for the planning, implementation, adaptation and continuous improvement of the management system, as well as to disseminate, publish and keep this policy available to all stakeholders.
This policy is applicable to all work centers, to all workers regardless of their form of contracting, suppliers and / or contractors, subcontractors, the community and other stakeholders.
The values of our staff are the main work tool, we consider that without them we would not be able to achieve our Mission and Vision.
Loyalty: Act with fidelity and rectitude in front of our company, guests and collaborators.
Commitment: We are a committed human team that works with love and dedication to serve our guests and clients, who are our reason for being.
Leadership: It implies our ability and willingness to promote maximum collaboration, communication and trust among all those who are part of our company to achieve the proposed objectives.
Honesty: With our clients, give them a fair service.
Service Orientation: We aim for all the people who make up our company to be motivated by their vocation to be useful to society and to contribute to solving the needs and expectations of our guests and clients.